
Professional services

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Professional Services

Sometimes, you or your team need to seek external help in order to free up time and leverage third-party knowledge and experience. Please contact me if you would like to discuss the engagement of my services.

Programming: Backend and applications

Please contact me if you would like to outsource C++, Python or BASH related tasks:

Relational databases

I offer the following services for MS SQL Server and Postgresql:

Server setup, administration & audits

If you’re in the market for a Linux server but don’t know where to start to provision one, or you have a new server and need assistance to set it up, please get in touch. I offer the following server services:

Application deployments

Application deployments on Linux servers inside, or out, of docker containers.


Together we can perform deep dives on your datasets, creating MI/BI reports ready to be presented to your stakeholders.

Mentoring and tuition

My tutoring services will further the knowledge of your junior and mid level programmers.

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